Practices in Research Conferences

The “Practices In Research” Conferences are annual peer-reviewed conference for practice-based research in architecture. In their contributions, practising architects explore the role of their practice in their research and vice-versa. Selected contributors are invited to develop their abstracts and presentation for the "Practices in Research" Journal. 

Practices in Research Conferences

In Practice Conference and lecture - 27th of May 2024

PRACTICES IN RESEARCH #05 practice-based research conference
C I.II.III.IV. A (rue de l'Ermitage, 55 - Brussels)
09:30    sessions 1, 2 & 3 
11:40    sessions 4, 5 & 6 
14:00    sessions 7, 8 & 9
16:20    plenary session

Editorial and organizing committee : Martina Barcelloni Corte (ULiège), Benoît Burquel (AgwA, ULB), Johan De Walsche (UAntwerpen), Harold Fallon (AgwA, KU Leuven), Juliane Greb (Büro Juliane Greb, UAntwerpen), Martin Outers (Matador, UCLouvain), Benoît Vandenbulcke (AgwA, ULiège), Wouter Van Acker (B-juxta, ULB)

scientific committee : Hülya Ertas (VAi, KU Leuven), Urszula Kozminska (Arkitektskolen Aarhus), Salvator-John Liotta (Liotta-Architecture, ULB), Tomas Ooms (Studio Tuin en Wereld, KU Leuven), Bie Plevoets (UHasselt), Jean-Philippe Possoz (ULiège)

18:30    Lecture by JULIANE GREB

             Booklaunch of "AHA IN PRACTICE, a Travelogue with Leeke Reinders"
             Visit on project site - Rue de l’Ermitage 46 - Brussels


free entry - registration
organizing committee : B. Burquel, H. Fallon, B. Vandenbulcke
supported by : ULB, KU Leuven, ULiège, UCLouvain, UAntwerpen, CIVA, Finstral, FNRS, As Found Scientific Research Network, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles cellule archi., Desta.

Practices in Research #05 - Demolitions and Deconstructions

"What methods and processes do architects use when approaching an existing structure? How do they carefully and critically examine an existing building and how do they reveal its potential? What knowledge do they gain in the process of assessing what can stay and what must go? And finally, how can they afford to do so, given that architects' fees are still generally tied to construction costs, i.e., material and energy consumption? 


PiR 05 – “Demolitions and Deconstructions” is looking for contributions reflecting on these questions related to careful yet experimental transformations. The contributions are expected to report about critical practices through which these questions are examined, staying close to its documents and outcomes."

Short abstracts to be submitted before the 26th of Februrary 2024.

In Practice Conference and lecture - 7th of March 2023

PRACTICES IN RESEARCH #04 practice-based research seminar
09:30    sessions 1 & 2 - C I.II.III.IV. A (rue de l'Ermitage, 55 - Brussels)
14:00    session 3 - ULB La Cambre Horta (place Eugène Flagey 19 - Brussels)
16:30    AUDIENCES - round table and closing session

scientific committee : Cédric Libert (ENSASE), Emilie Morales (Morales Finch, ULB), Juliane Grebb (Büro Juliane Greb, UAntwerpen), Wouter Van Acker (ULB), Christine Fontaine (ZED Architects, UCLouvain), Johan Dewalsche (UAntwerpen), Martina Barcelloni Corte (ULiège), Martin Outers (Matador, UCLouvain), Virginie Pigeon (Pigeon Ochej Paysage, ULiège), Karen Kesteloot (Studiobont, KU Leuven), Nikolaus Hirsch (CI.II.III.IV.A)

18:30    Booklaunch of "DYVIK KAHLEN IN PRACTICE, Villa RuBa"
             Max Kahlen and Christopher Dyvik discussion with Pieterjan Ginckels

             Lecture by AURELIE HACHEZ & JULIEN BOIDOT

free entry - registration
organizing committee : B. Burquel, H. Fallon, B. Vandenbulcke
supported by : ULB, KU Leuven, ULiège, UCLouvain, UAntwerpen, CIVA, Flanders State of The Art, FNRS

In Practice Conference and lecture - 27 October 2021

Wednesday 27-10-2021 at C I.II.III.IV. A, rue de l'Ermitage, 55

10:00 PRACTICES IN RESEARCH #03 practice-based research seminar
scientific committee : Ido Avissar (List, EAV&T Paris-Est), Lisa De Visscher (A+ architecture in Belgium, ULiège), Annelies De Smet (KU Leuven), Rolf Hughes (KU Leuven), Sebastian Kofink (Hochschule München), Simon Jüttner (Hochschule München)


free entry- covid safety rules apply - registration
organizing committee : B. Burquel, H. Fallon, B. Vandenbulcke
support : CIVA, Flanders State of The Art, ULB, KU Leuven, ULiège

In Practice Conference and Lecture - 22 October 2020

Thursday 22-10-2020 at KANAL (C I.II.III.IV. A), Brussels
13:30 PRACTICES IN RESEARCH #02 practice-based research seminar
the full program will be available soon
free entry - registration
organizing committee : O. Henz, T. Ooms, B. Burquel
scientific committee : Harold Fallon (AgwA – KU Leuven); Benoît Vandenbulcke (AgwA – U Liège); Céline Bodart (ENSA Paris La Villette)
Cécile Chanvillard (A Practice – UCLouvain); Asli Çiçek (Asli Çiçek – KU Leuven – U Hasselt); Lisa De Visscher (A+ Architecture in Belgium – U Liège); Rolf Hughes (KU Leuven) ; Pauline Lefebvre (ULB)
Julie Neuwels (U Liège); Georges Pirson (ULB); Robin Schaeverbeke (KU Leuven); Iwan Strauven (Bozar – ULB); Caroline Voet (Voet De Brabandere – KU Leuven)
support : CIVA, Flanders State of The Art, ULB, KU Leuven, ULiège